Across fenceline is nice Red Oak - Chinquapin forest less recently abandoned, or perhaps not cleared for pasture in past. Both younger and older age - class patches with similar canopy & ground flora are repeated. Eventually limestone drops out and rich Tulip Poplar / Red Oak continues uphill. Old sawn stump in plot (JVVI).;Limestone foothills on lower NW flank of mountain in the Ridge and Valley. Community is a successional deciduous forest on limestone with scattered larger field - grown Sugar Maple, Red Oak, Chinquapin Oak with straight - trunked Chinquapin, Juniper (dying out), Shagbark, etc. Rich herb layer includes calciphiles (tall Larkspur). Area probably 40 years abandoned from pasture - near wooded (green) - open (white) boundary on 1965 topo.
Plot placed to sample habitat for Delphinium exaltatum. Successional forest on limestone. 20 bolting stems of Delphinium in plot, 1 in bud - peak flower late July?